Wednesday 5 December 2012

Batman: The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

I would like to say personally one of my favourite films, The Dark Knight Rises does not disappoint when following The Dark Knight which is also one of my favourite films.

It starts seven years after the end of The Dark Knight, Bruce Wayne has become secluded as the police are after the Batman and also he becomes depressed due to the loss of the woman he loved; Rachel. Rumours that he his scarred and deformed spread due to no one ever seeing Bruce until a cat-burglar steals pearls from his safe.

Bruce Wayne starts to purse this woman but things get worse as a masked man called Bain attacks the stock exchange, Batman tries to pursue Bain yet the police are more focused on the Batman as they have been waiting for killer of Harvey Dent. Bain is not to be under-estimated. Has Batman got what it takes to restore Gotham?

IMBd Rating 8.8 My Rating 9.2
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Saturday 1 December 2012

The Amazing Spiderman (2012)

The amazing spider-man is the first Spider-man film which stars Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker. It is a reboot to its predecessors' Spider-man, Spider-man 2 and Spider-man 3.

Unlike the other Spider-man films, this one has changed certain parts of the storyline for the better. Changes in the storyline included that Peter Parker did not get web powers and he must create the web lines himself. This keeps it original to the cartoons of The Amazing Spider-man.

Peter Parker finds an old briefcase which has some of his father's forgotten documents, he pursues his findings which leads him to Dr. Curt Connors. Later on Peter realises that Dr. Connors is misusing the equipment which is turning him into a giant lizard.The lizard causes destruction in New York, with little knowledge of the lizards origin, the police cant do much to stop him. Can Spider-man save the day before more people get hurt?

IMBd rating 7.3 My Rating 6.5
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Thursday 22 November 2012

Marvel: The Avengers (2012)

Nick Fury and his team at S.H.I.E.L.D have obtained the Tesseract. They are testing it trying to try a find a clean and unlimited energy source for Earth, but the Tesseract starts to react usually and cannot be turned off as it powers itself.

Nick Fury is called to Tesseract due to its activity, as he arrives it reacts and opens a portal to outer-space and Loki arrives on Earth by travelling through the portal. Loki takes the Tesseract as he attacks the S.H.I.E.L.D base and enslaves several agents including Hawk Eye to aid his getaway.

With Loki gone and the Tesseract stolen, the government and S.H.I.E.L.D being to get desperate so they agree to active a project called the ''Avengers Initiative'' which is to put together a team of super-humans to save the Earth from Loki and his army. But will the super-humans be able to get along and learn to work together in-time to stop Loki and his army from taking over the world?

IMBd rating 8.4 My Rating 8.1
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Thursday 15 November 2012

What Do You Know About Your Heroes? (Questionnaire)

Question 1) How did Bruce Banner get his Hulk powers?
a) Gamma Ray accident
b) Anti-anger management serum gone wrong
c) Solar Rays from space
d) Super Solider Project

Question 2) What is Batman's Real name?
a) John Wayne
b) Bruce Banner
c) Bruce Wayne
d) Gotham Wayne

Question 3) Which one these people own the X-Men Academy
a) Wolverine
b) Cyclops
c) Professor Xavier
d) Magneto

Question 4) Who does Harry suspect of killing his father Norman Osborn?
a) Sandman
b) Venom
c) Green Goblin
d) Spiderman

Question 5) What is name of Thor's homeland?
a) Asgard
b) Earth
c) Mid-realm
d) Frostbite

Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

In March, 1942, Nazi officer Johann Schmidt invade Norway for the tesseract. The tesseract is an blue object which has untold power. Meanwhile Steve Rogers is deemed unfit to serve for the American military due to too many health and physical issues.

Steve Rogers  tries to enlist in the army again, but when Dr. Abraham Erskine overhears a conversation that Steve is having with his friend, he allows Steve to enlist in the army. He is recruited under Dr. Erskine as part of a ''super-soldier'' project. certain people are unsure if Steve Rogers is the right person for the experiment due to his small size and health issues.

But during training, Erskine tests Steve and the other soldiers by throwing a grenade towards them acting as it if it was live, everyone ducks apart from Steve who throws himself on top of the grenade in an act of self- sacrificing bravery.

This shows he ready for ''super-solider'' experiment, but before he undergoes the procedure, Erskine reveals to Rogers that Schmidt underwent an imperfect version of the procedure and suffered side-effects. Will Captain America be able to stop Schmidt before he gets to the tesseract.

IMBd Rating 6.8 My Rating 8.0
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Friday 9 November 2012

Thor (2011)

Thor is the mighty god of thunder; he is the prince in his realm Asgard and as he is about to be proclaimed king, when frost giants interrupt by breaching into Asgard and trying to steal. Thor arrogance sends him in a revenge rage and uses the wormhole to go to the frost giants' realm to attack. His father is outraged that the truce has been broken and Thor gets exiled from Asgard to Earth where he finds it hard to live without his powers.

He eventually falls in love with a scientist called Jodie Foster and hears of the trouble his brother is causing in Asgard as he has become the new king of Asgard due to their fathers sudden illness.

Thor becomes more motivated to find a way to get his powers back, along with powers come Thor's mighty hammer. But when Loki discovers Thor has reabsorbed his powers he starts to act irrationally and sends a war machine from Asgard to Earth to destroy Thor and anything else in its path, will Thor find a way to stop Loki. 

IMBd Rating 7.0 My Rating 8.0
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Wednesday 7 November 2012

Five Of The Best Blogs

I am also going to review some of my favourite blogs, in no particular order I will list the reasons why I like them and the links to the blogs.

1. is very nice blog to go through, it is easy reading as many of the posts are no more than three lines and have many pictures.

2. is the official blog for DC comics, it holds the correct information for the DC company and  any rumours get filtered out.

3. is great if you like anything that's hero related, from James Bond to Star Wars and all the typical comic book heroes, the variety is good for finding something everyone may like.

4. is a good blog if you want to be ahead of the curb and find out what films are under production and when their getting released.

5. on the animated films and DVDs of the superheroes, they review the films and even show traliers and some parts show behind the scene production animation.

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Thursday 1 November 2012

Watchmen (2009)

Watchmen is set in 1985, where superheroes exist and wars between nations leave the city in a dark lifestyle. It starts with the death of Edward Blake who is beaten up in his house and then thrown of out his window after a brutal battle.

One of his colleagues Rorschach discovers that Blake is the Comedian and comes to the theory that someone is trying to take out the Watchmen. he tries to warn the other retired Watchmen before its too late.

I personally believe that the trailers made the film seem more epic than it is. Also the length of the film drags on, as the storyline contains lots of dialogue.

IMDb Rating 7.7 My Rating 5.0
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Monday 29 October 2012

Iron-Man 2 (2010)

Iron-Man 2 was immediately announced production by Marvel, after the success of Iron-Man in May 2008, being the second part of a trilogy. The plot starts with the world finding out that Iron-Man is Tony Stark. The news hits Russia where Ivan Vanko hears Iron-Man's true identity after the death of his father and starts to build his own arc reactor.

It is then followed by the government trying to force Stark Industries to hand over his technology to them, Tony Stark refuses by proving that competitors that are trying to copy this technology are decades behind.

The palladium core in the arc reactor that powers his armour and keeps him alive is slowly poisoning his blood. Stark starts to become reckless and reacts without thinking as he fails to find a replacement to keep him alive, and choosing to not tell anyone about his condition makes life harder for him.

Vanko attacks Stark during a formula one race, using his own reactor which powers whip like energy weapons, Stark defeats Vanko and learns his origins and also that Vanko is the son of his father's old arc project, although Vanko is captured, is it over?

IMBd Rating 7.1/10 My Rating 7/10
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Thursday 25 October 2012

Spiderman 3 (2007)

Spiderman 3 is last Spiderman film with Toby Maguire. Again it is the furthest in its storyline yet it has been followed by a prequel of The Amazing Spiderman which I will review at a later date.

Spiderman 3 is based on a strange black entity from outer space which finds a host in Peter Parker. After the shock and confusion of the black entity fusing with him he realises that the alien entity has also changed his personality to be cockier and raised his ego.

Peter Parker's best friend Harry Osborn still suspects Peter for the death of his father Norman Osborn, although there is an unusual twist as Harry bumps his head in a fight with Spiderman and forgets his revenge and that Peter Parker is Spiderman.

IMBd Rating 6.3/10 My Rating 7/10
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Sunday 21 October 2012

Fantastic Four (2005)

The story starts with four astronauts are caught in a solar storm and cosmic rays of radiation while on a mission in space. It's a miracle that they are alive and there not just alive they are stronger than they ever was.

Dr. Reed Richards has powers of elasticity and can stretch as his body acts as a rubber band and becomes Mr. Fantastic. Sue Storm has been given the power of invisibility and to create force fields and barriers and takes the name invisible woman, Johnny Storm who is Sue's brother get the power to raise his body to incredible temperatures and is titled as the Human Torch, finally Ben Grimm which is one of Mr. Fantastic's best friends is burdened with the power of his whole body turning into rock.

Along with the four Victor Von Doom has also been given power of mass electricity and uses his powers for evil. The Fantastic Four must find a way to stop him.

IMBd Rating 5.7/10 My Rating 6.3/10
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Thursday 18 October 2012

X - Men: The Last Stand (2006)

X - Men: The Last Stand was the ending of the trilogy, although it was not the last instalment of the X-Men films, as it's been followed by prequels of X-Men Origins: Wolverine and X-Men: First Class, X-Men: Last Stand is still the furthest in the mutant world storyline.

X-Men: Last Stand is about a 'cure' being found for all mutants, followed by the government developing the cure into weapons against the mutants. Magneto forms allies with other powerful mutants to go against the new regimes around the cure, but Magneto and his team must go up against Professor Charles Xaiver and his team of Wolverine, Storm and many more. Inevitable they have a massive standoff at the end. Mutant War. Brilliant. 

IMBd rating 6.8/10 My Rating 8/10
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Thursday 11 October 2012

Welcome to Hero World

Welcome to the world of superheroes, I will be exploring the films where geeks, scientists and normal humans get powers through some amazing way, whether its a solar storm or a spider bite. I will be reviewing and summarising my favourite superhero films and see what parts of the story line have been kept original and what parts have been changed for the big screen.

We are all heroes in our own way and if we carry these attributes of determination, persistence, motivation and ambition we can achieve our full potential and achieve whatever we put our hearts and mind too. We are all Heroes. Which hero are you?