Thursday 1 November 2012

Watchmen (2009)

Watchmen is set in 1985, where superheroes exist and wars between nations leave the city in a dark lifestyle. It starts with the death of Edward Blake who is beaten up in his house and then thrown of out his window after a brutal battle.

One of his colleagues Rorschach discovers that Blake is the Comedian and comes to the theory that someone is trying to take out the Watchmen. he tries to warn the other retired Watchmen before its too late.

I personally believe that the trailers made the film seem more epic than it is. Also the length of the film drags on, as the storyline contains lots of dialogue.

IMDb Rating 7.7 My Rating 5.0
Comment Your Rating :)


  1. Trailers can be real spoilers - and I imagine with super hero films this is particularly so if they squeeze all the action into a mini-clip. Nicola

  2. Yea, in this case the trailer did have spoilers and it was a bit too dark for my liking.
