Thursday 11 October 2012

Welcome to Hero World

Welcome to the world of superheroes, I will be exploring the films where geeks, scientists and normal humans get powers through some amazing way, whether its a solar storm or a spider bite. I will be reviewing and summarising my favourite superhero films and see what parts of the story line have been kept original and what parts have been changed for the big screen.

We are all heroes in our own way and if we carry these attributes of determination, persistence, motivation and ambition we can achieve our full potential and achieve whatever we put our hearts and mind too. We are all Heroes. Which hero are you?


  1. Tentatively Elastagirl (from the Incredibles, at any rate my 11yo suggested this). I think I may have to follow your blog a bit more before I can pass myself off as a superhero. But I love this first entry. Nicola

  2. Good choice, same power as Dr. Reed from Fantastic Four which i will be reviewing soon.
